Entering into legal proceeding, whether divorce or custody, can be a trial for not only parents but the children involved. As a parent, sometimes it’s difficult to hand over co-parenting to the legal system while such proceedings are going on. Parents might check with their attorney before making a parenting decision they would make easily prior to such a matter.

The reality is that while courts can intervene and protect children that are bruised and battered, in general divorce and custody matters, courts mostly specialize in the division of assets, and to logistical and financial compromises between the parties.

The Law Offices of Brian A. Dasinger

22811 U.S. Hwy 98
Suite 3
Fairhope, AL 36532

632 Gulf Shores Pkwy, Suite 207,
Gulf Shores Al 36542

Monday - Friday 8am to 6pm

(251) 928-5588

(251) 928-8855