Understanding Alabama’s Drug Offense Laws and Your Defense Options

Alabama’s drug laws are strict, with penalties varying based on the type of drug, quantity, and intent (possession, distribution, trafficking). Controlled substances are categorized into “schedules,” from Schedule I (most dangerous, like heroin) to Schedule V (less risk, like certain medications).

Common charges include possession, distribution, and trafficking. Defending drug charges requires strategic approaches such as challenging evidence, questioning police conduct, or proving unlawful search and seizure.

Defense Options:

Challenging Evidence: Contesting the legality of how evidence was obtained is a powerful defense.
Questioning Intent: In cases involving possession, proving the absence of intent to distribute can lead to reduced penalties.
Entrapment Defense: If law enforcement induced the crime, you may have a case for entrapment.
Drug Diversion Programs: For first-time offenders, participation in drug diversion programs may offer a chance for rehabilitation instead of incarceration.
Facing drug charges in Alabama is serious, but understanding the law and having an experienced criminal defense attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. With tailored defense strategies, you can potentially reduce or dismiss charges.